Friday, June 14, 2013

Marble Painting!

This is a super fun activity that I did with my preschool class many, many times. It works so great because it can go along with just about any theme. Here's what you need:

- Coloring Page to match your theme
- Marbles
- Paint
- Bowls to hold the paint
- Spoons to fish the marbles out of the paint
- Aluminum Baking Tins with lids

Your kiddo is going to place the coloring page, picture side up, into the baking tin. Then, she'll put the marbles, covering in whatever color paint she chose, into the tin as well. She can then snap on the lid and start rolling and shaking (gently) away until her picture is all painted (or she needs more paint on her marble(s). This is so much fun and the kids have always loved it!

Before letting the kids go off and do this one by themselves, you might consider modeling it for them - but that depends completely on you and your little ones. Have fun!

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