Thursday, March 21, 2013

Yummy Easter Bunny Craft (with modifications)

It's amazing what you can do with marshmallows these days! Here's a fun craft that will have your little one building an Easter Bunny out of marshmallows. The details are on the Think And Play Today website. Check them out and then check out a thought that I had about how to make what could be a tricky task into something more manageable.

MODIFICATIONS: Just looking at the pictures for this craft makes me feel like it can be an overwhelming one. My first thought would be to give your kiddo some of those pictures to use as a reference. If not that, maybe making a bunny yourself that your child can model his after would work. You can also try breaking this one down into steps and asking your kiddo to follow those. For example, "1-Build the feet, 2-Add the belly, 3-Add the arms, 4-Put on the head. 1, 2, 3, 4 - Feet, Belly, Arms, Head." Have your child repeat those steps back to you if he can and, then, get a-started on the bunny!

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