Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Follow The Directions (with modifications)

I love Follow the Directions activities. No, really, I do! I think that they are just a great way to help a kiddo work on their ability to work on focusing while remaining calm and patient. There is an Easter Basket follow the directions worksheet available on the teAchnology website. Check it out and then head down below for some thoughts I have.

MODIFICATIONS: One of the strategies that I have found most
helpful over the years is to make sure that the only crayons available to your kiddo are the ones that are needed for this activity - Cuts down on the potential confusion while your little one is working on listening to what you're saying. Also, if your little one is still having some tough times following each direction, break them down even further for him. Instead of asking your child to, "color the basket blue," ask him to put his finger on the the basket. Now, you know your kiddo has found the basket. Then, ask your child to find the blue crayon. Finally, you can now tell your child to use that blue crayon to color the basket blue. Have fun!

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